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OUR@Oakland - Increase Your Impact


OUR@Oakland is Oakland University's institutional repository maintained by the University Libraries. OUR@Oakland increases visibility of authors' works and maximizes research impact by organizing, preserving, and providing online open access to the intellectual, scholarly, and creative work produced by the Oakland University Community.


What OUR@OAKLAND can do for you.

1. Maximize the impact and visibility of your published research. Open access articles are viewed and cited more frequently, thereby having the potential to increase an article’s impact.

2. Provide a permanent space to archive and disseminate publications, presentations, data sets, or any research/scholarly output with permanent, fixed URLs that won’t change or disappear.

3. Archive conferences recordings, presentation slides, and other supporting materials hosted and sponsored by Oakland University can be archived in OUR@Oakland.

4. Promote high visibility in Google and Google Scholar with an indexed and optimized system

5. Enable easy distribution of your work. OUR@Oakland doesn’t ask for your copyright, just for your permission to distribute your work freely.


OUR@Oakland's Faculty Scholarship Collection

OUR@Oakland's Faculty Scholarship Collection provides worldwide open access to the scholarship produced by OU faculty, including publications, presentations, and research data. VIEW Scholarship Collection


How to get your work in OUR@Oakland

There are several ways to get your scholarship in OUR@Oakland.

Send us your scholarship citations and we will send you a report of eligible scholarship for archiving in OUR@Oakland.

Or request a presentation at your next faculty meeting or a private consultation with the Scholarly Communications Librarian.

Increasing Research Impact


Measuring Research Impact


Library Contact

Julia Rodriguez
Scholarly Communications Librarian


Created by Name / Updated on November 7, 2018 by Name

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