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Archives and Special Collections Take-Down Policy


In providing access to its collections, the OU Library’s Archives and Special Collections acts in good faith. Despite the safeguards in place, we recognize that mistakes can happen.

If you find material on our website or in a physical exhibit that infringes on an individual’s privacy or in violation of copyright law, please contact us to request the removal of the material by emailing Oakland University Libraries Archives and Special Collections (archives[at]oakland.edu) or by mail at:

Oakland University Libraries
OU Libraries Archives and Special Collections
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309

In your request, please include:

1. The reason for removal request (copyright infringement, personally identifiable information, etc.)

2. Sufficient information for the Library staff to identify and locate this information for removal. Providing URLs in your communication is the best way to help us locate content quickly.


Upon receipt of valid complaints, we will respond within seven (7) business days and temporarily remove the material pending an agreed solution.


Last updated 5/31/2017


Created by Name / Updated on March 1, 2019 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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