OU Libraries
OU Libraries

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Collection Development

Liaison Program

The libraries' collections are developed collaboratively with Oakland University's academic community. Librarians serve as liaisons to academic units to promote the cooperation and mutual planning that is essential to building and maintaining a superior library. Liaisons inform faculty about the libraries' holdings and services, and gather information about needs and concerns.

Each academic unit assigns a library coordinator to work closely with the librarian liaison to develop the library collections and to communicate new library initiatives to colleagues.

In addition to these activities, librarian liaisons may also work with faculty to:

  • Guide students, faculty and staff in using the libraries' resources and services;
  • Develop online tutorials, research guides and other digital learning objects to enhance the information literacy skills of Oakland students;
  • Engage in collection assessments for proposed new academic programs and accreditation activities.

Faculty should contact the appropriate librarian liaison to discuss how the libraries can support their teaching and research activities.

Collection Development Policy

In selecting materials for the library collections, the librarian liaisons follow the guidelines provided in the Collection Development Policy.

Book Recommendations

OU faculty, staff and students may recommend books for purchase by logging into My Library Account and using the New Book Request feature.

New Books

Generate New Book Lists of titles added to the libraries' collection in the last month, or take a look at new book lists from previous months.

Gifts to the Libraries

The libraries welcome the opportunity to discuss with potential donors the possibility of contributing materials to the collection. Such gifts can enhance our collections in a variety of ways, thereby enriching the resources available to OU students, faculty and the larger community. Please review the libraries' revised Gift Policies and Procedures prior to making a donation.


CD Contacts

Helen Levenson
Collection Development Librarian

Subject Liaisons
Contact the librarian for your area




Created by Name / Updated on March 6, 2019 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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