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LIB 2500:
Introduction to library research and technology in the information age

Online course | 4 credits

Catalog Description

With the ever-increasing availability of online and digital resources, it is vital that students be able to find and use information effectively. In this course students will learn about the organization of information, search skills, the research process, discipline-specific sources, evaluation of information, information ethics and other sources of debate. Prerequisite: WRT 1060.

LIB2500 satisfies the General Education Requirements in the Knowledge Applications area and the General Education Writing Intensive area.

Course Objectives

  • To understand how information sources originate and operate in their broader socio- economic and political contexts (such as the World Wide Web, library databases and scholarly publications).
  • To gain interdisciplinary proficiency in seeking information via the World Wide Web and via electronic subscription databases and library search tools.
  • To understand how libraries use technology for information organization, storage, and retrieval
  • To critically evaluate information.
  • To incorporate selected information into the research process.
  • To become knowledgeable about information-related issues affecting libraries and higher education as well as society as a whole, especially ethical issues.


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