OU Libraries
OU Libraries

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Research Services

Research Services contributes to the mission of the university libraries:

Oakland University’s Libraries support the educational, research, and public service mission of the University by providing user-centered teaching, services, resources, and learning environments for the entire OU community. The University Libraries are committed to fostering academic excellence and knowledge creation, and promoting information literacy within the campus community and beyond.

Users are able to receive assistance in a variety of ways:

  • Stop by the Service Desk at Kresge Library, 2nd floor and ask to speak to a librarian. Research support is offered during daytime and early evening hours.  Have a question in the early hours of the morning? Contact the reference librarian at the Access Services Desk from midnight to 7am.  

  • Call us at 248.370.4426 anytime the Research Help Desk is staffed.

  • Chat with us via our online chat widget.

  • Email us at ref@oakland.edu.  These questions are usually answered within two hours.

  • Request a Research Consultation to receive a 30 minute session with a librarian who will help you develop a research strategy, identify keywords, evaluate information, or guide you to useful resources on your topic.


Research Help Hours

Mon: 9am - 7pm & midnight - 7am
Tue: 9am - 7pm & midnight - 7am
Wed: 9am - 7pm & midnight - 7am
Thu: 9am - 7pm & midnight - 7am
Fri: 9am - 5pm & midnight - 7am

When the library is open 24/7, we offer research help from midnight to 7am.



Amanda Hess
Coordinator of Research Services



Created by Name / Updated on September 9, 2019 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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