According to Webster's New College Dictionary, to plagiarize is to "steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own".
More than this, plagiarism is an ethical lapse which undermines the process of education. When a student plagiarizes, he or she perpetuates the idea that process and learning, which are the basic purposes of higher education, are unworthy endeavors.
According to OU's Academic Conduct Regulations, faculty members are expected to maintain the following standards in the context of academic conduct:
If the Academic Conduct Committee determines that academic misconduct has occurred, the committee assesses penalties ranging from an academic disciplinary warning, to academic probation, to suspension or expulsion (dismissal) from the university. All conduct records are maintained in the Dean of Students Office.
I, ___________________________ certify that I am the author of this paper and have acknowledged any assistance I had preparing this paper in full. I have cited all sources, including paraphrases and direct quotes. I have included a works cited page which lists all citations. I have added quotation marks whenever I have used more than three consecutive words of another author. I have completed this paper specifically for this course.
Student Signature ____________________________
Statement Adapted From: Sims, R. (2002). The effectiveness of a plagiarism prevention policy: a longitudinal study of student views. Teaching Business Ethics, 6(4), 477-482.
Plagiarism is stealing the words and ideas of another and presenting them as your own. Unintentional or intentional, plagiarizing is a serious offense. Students found to have plagiarized will be reported to the Dean of Students. Possible consequences for being proved a plagiarist include an academic disciplinary warning, academic probation, suspension or expulsion (dismissal) from the university.
Citations Tools:
Citation help for commonly cited sources such as books, journal articles, and newspapers
The Writing Center
The Writing Center can help students with understanding assignments, choosing a topic, understanding citation styles, and writing and revising drafts.
Writing Resources for Students
Find in-depth information about the mechanics of writing and grammar, citations, avoiding plagiarism & more.
Plagiarism Tutorial
Modules on understanding plagiarism, paraphrasing and direct quoting, and understanding citations.
Office of the Dean of Students
Complete text of regulations, online forms to report academic misconduct, etc...
Senate Academic Conduct Committee
Its charge is "to review, propose, and implement policies concerning academic dishonesty."