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Policy for Still/Video Photography in the OU Libraries


This policy applies to any Oakland University student, faculty or staff member, with the exception of photographers employed by the University for public relations purposes.

Users intending to use the libraries for commercial filming and/or who are not affiliated with the University, should contact Oakland University Communications and Marketing.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which library public space may be used for shooting still photography and/or video production.


  • The first claim for use of space is to those persons engaged in study, research and use of information resources and services.
  • Must be accomplished without interfering with the study, research, privacy, or safety needs of library users.
  • Library Staff have the right to choose whether or not to participate as subjects of any video or still photographic images.
  • In order to ensure that students trying to study in the library are not disturbed, only those individuals or groups who can shoot still/video photography without violating any of the below guidelines will be allowed.
  • No other users of the library will be allowed in the shot(s) without the prior knowledge and consent of the participant. Written permission must be obtained from any subjects in the images prior to shooting images.
  • Still/Video photography cannot involve the use of any props or situations that would frighten or disturb library users. Photography crews in violation of these guidelines will be asked to leave.
  • Individuals wishing to take photos or video of the building and/or inanimate objects for personal use only may do so without special permission as long as no special equipment or unusual circumstances are involved and library users’ right to privacy are honored.


Still/Video Photography is permitted in the Oakland University Libraries under the terms and conditions set out in this document.

  • Students must complete and sign the Library Photography/Video Request Form. The Library Photography/Video Request Form must be completed at least five (5) business days prior to the intended start of the still/video shoot.
  • All photo shoots are subject to approval by the dean.
  • Any changes to lighting, major rearrangements of furnishings, or the use of any on-site special effects are deemed to be too disruptive to normal library use and will not be approved
  • NO still/video photography is permitted for the period from one week before the start of an exam period until the end of the exam period. There shall be no photography in elevators, stairwells or washrooms without permission.
  • There shall be no photography in elevators, or stairwells without permission. Filming in washrooms is not permitted.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Any student still/video photography in the library must be for academic course work.
  • Any faculty, staff or student photographing in the library must leave the library clean, and must abide by the terms defined in the “Library User’s Rights and Responsibilities.”
  • The requestor assumes responsibility for costs associated with damage to the premises which occur as a result of the photography.
  • The requestor agrees to advise library staff of any problems that arise during the shoot.
  • Written permission is required for all non-crew/cast persons photographed, even accidentally.
  • The filmmaker/photographer shall not present any individual in a defamatory manner or violate any individual’s expectation of privacy.


The Dean of the Libraries, or her/his representative.
On the day of still/video photography, those taking/recording images must notify library personnel at the Service Desk when they arrive and when they have completed filming.


The staff on duty has the authority to terminate the photography shoot if circumstances arise that make continuance of the photography undesirable.


The Oakland University Libraries are not liable for any loss/theft/damage of personal property of the crew or damage to equipment.


Library Photography/Video Request Form


Created by Name / Updated on April 17, 2017 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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