OU Libraries
OU Libraries

Advanced Search

Off-Campus Access to Databases


The University Libraries provide remote access to licensed online resources via the EZproxy proxy server, authenticated by the University LDAP server. Access is granted to current and emeriti Oakland University faculty, currently enrolled students, and current staff.

All Authorized Users (remote or otherwise) must comply with all federal, Michigan, and other applicable laws; all generally applicable University rules and policies; and all applicable contracts and licenses. Users are responsible for ascertaining, understanding, and complying with the laws, rules, policies, contracts, and licenses applicable to their particular uses, per OU Administrative Policy 890.

The Libraries’ license agreements include the following restrictions:

  1. Online resources are provided by Oakland University for personal, educational and non-commercial use only.
  2. Users may not copy, distribute, transmit or otherwise reproduce, sell or resell content except as expressly permitted by law.
  3. Users may not remove, obscure or modify any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in the subscribed content.
  4. The use of robots and any automated search or downloading programs to search, extract, index or disrupt the working of the subscribed product is prohibited.


Access Procedures:

  • Remote access to subscribed online resources is provided to all current and emeritus Oakland University faculty; current staff; and currently enrolled students, up to one year after their last registration date.
  • Non-enrolled Graduate students, whose LDAP access has expired may obtain remote access to finish specific projects if the same visiting scholars procedure is followed below.  This provision does not apply to doctoral students who per university policy must enroll each term they are actively working on their doctorate.
  • Visiting scholars may be granted access with Oakland University faculty sponsorship. To sponsor access, the current OU faculty member must e-mail the Libraries’ Manager of Library Systems with the following information: the patron’s full name, last 5 digits of their G Number (or other identification number) and the length of time needed for access.
  • Non-emeriti retired faculty can obtain access upon request to the Manager of Library Systems.
  • Failure to comply with the above procedures and policies will result in the suspension of remote database access privileges.


Created by Name / Updated on September 23, 2013 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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