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Children in the OU Libraries


The Oakland University Libraries welcomes all users.  We provide an environment intended for academic research and in support of the University's curriculum, in which users are expected to make their own decisions about the information they want to use.  For this reason, parents and adult guardians with children who use the Libraries’ spaces are responsible for their children's safety and behavior. This policy is established to maintain an appropriate academic environment and to urge parents and adult guardians to ensure the safety of their children.


  • Children who are not enrolled and registered at OU and who are under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times while in the Libraries. Adults visiting the Libraries with children must ensure that the children wear masks and follow all coronavirus-related social distancing and hygiene precautions.

  • The Libraries’ collections, computing resources, works of art, and exhibits are intended for academic research and open discourse, and are not censored. Parents and adult guardians are responsible for monitoring the content to which their children have access.

  • Children who are not enrolled and registered at OU and who are under the age of 16 may not use the Libraries’ computers unless they are accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. 

  • Like all other guest visitors to the Libraries, if OU students, faculty, and staff are in need of the computers for academic reasons, children must yield use of the Libraries’ computers, unless they are here for an OU-sponsored visit. 

  • To preserve an appropriate academic environment, loud or disruptive behavior is not permitted.

  • Adults visiting the Libraries with children who do not comply with this policy may be asked to leave the Libraries’ facilities by library administrators, faculty, or staff, and/or university authorities.

  • Library administrators, faculty, or staff will contact the parents/guardians of any non-OU-registered child left unsupervised in the building. If the parents/guardians fail to comply with this policy or cannot be reached, the Libraries’ staff will contact the Oakland University Police Department for assistance. 


Updated on December 6, 2013.

Created by Name / Updated on August 5, 2020 by Name

OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471
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