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Katie Greer

Associate Professor, Kresge Library
Fine and Performing Arts Librarian

Office: 247 Kresge
Phone: 248-370-2480
Email: greer@oakland.edu

Courses taught:

LIB 2500: Introduction to library research and technology in the Information Age

Research Interests

Research and information-seeking behaviors of fine arts students; information literacy instruction and assessment; online course instruction and development.


Edited Books

Murphy, M. et al. (Eds.) (Forthcoming late 2022). Unframing the Visual: Visual Literacy Pedagogy in Academic Libraries and Academic Spaces. ACRL Press.

Refereed Articles

Beene, S., et al. (forthcoming). A Proliferation of images: Trends, obstacles, and opportunities for visual literacy. Journal of Visual Literacy.

Beene, S. & Greer, K. (2021). A call to action for librarians: Countering conspiracy theories in the age of QAnon. Journal of Academic Librarianship 47(1).

Greer, K., & McCann, S. (2018). Everything Online Is a Website: Information Format Confusion in Student Citation Behaviors. Communications in Information Literacy12(2), 150-165.

Nichols Hess, A. & Greer, K. (2016). Designing for engagement: Using the ADDIE model to integrate high-impact practices into an online information literacy course. Communications in Information Literacy 10(2).

Greer, K. (2016). Undergraduate studio art information use: a multi-school citation analysis. Art Documentation 35(2): 230--240..

Greer, K., Nichols Hess, A. & Kraemer, E. (2016). The librarian leading the machine: A reassessment of library instruction methods. College & Research Libraries.

Nichols Hess, A., Greer, K., Lombardo, S. & Lim, A. (2015). Books, Bytes, and Buildings: The Academic library's unique role in improving student success. Journal of Library Administration 55(8): 622-638.

Greer, K. (2015). Connecting inspiration with information: Studio art students and information literacy instruction. Communications in Information Literacy 9(1): 83-94.

Rodriguez, J., Greer, K. & Shipman, B. (2014). Copyright and you: copyright instruction for college students in the digital age. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 40(5), 486-491. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2014.06.001

Greer, K., et al. (2012). Beyond the web tutorial: Development and implementation of an online, self-directed academic integrity course at Oakland University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 38(5), 251-258. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2012.06.010.

Non-refereed articles

Greer, K. "From the studio to the archive: Art students and information literacy activities." College & Research Libraries News.

Book chapters

McCann, S., Greer, K., and Nichols Hess, A. "High Impact Practices: Collaborative Assignments and Projects." Forthcoming in Engaging Students Through Campus Libraries (2020). 

Greer, K. & Nichols Hess, A. "I want students to research the idea of red": Using instructional design for teaching information literacy in the fine arts. In Glassman, P., & Dyki, J. (Eds.). (2017). The handbook of art and design librarianship. Facet Publishing.

Greer, K. "Goldilocks and the Three Searches: Learning the Judicious Use of Quotation Marks in Effective Searching." The Discovery Tool Cookbook. 

Greer, K. Cooking up a concept map with Prezi: Conceptualizing the artist statement. In Calkins, K. and Kvenild, C. The Embedded Librarian Cookbook. ACRL (2014).

Nichols Hess, A. & Greer, K. Using Library Standards to Inform Common Core Instruction. In J. Purdy & R. McClure (Eds.), The Next Digital Scholar: A fresh approach to the Common Core Standards in research and writing. Information Today, Inc. (2014)

Conference Proceedings

"Inspired Archives: Introducing studio art students to the visual culture of a university." 45th Annual ARLIS/NA Conference Proceedings.


Historical Dictionary of Renaissance Art. CHOICE.

Dutch and Flemish Paintings. CHOICE.

Preserving our heritage: Perspectives from antiquity to the digital age (ed. Michele Valerie    Cloonan). portal: Libraries and the Academy 15(4): 768-769.

Georgia O'Keefe Museum. CHOICE.


Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century, CHOICE, November 2014; doi:

Art and Architecture in Video. Choice, May 2014 ; doi:10.5860/CHOICE.51-4762

Italian Renaissance Resources. CHOICE. January 2014.

BMW Guide by Independent Art Collectors. CHOICE. March 2013.

Shakespeare: Staging the World. CHOICE.

Treasures of the Bodleian [iTunes App]. CHOICE. April 2012.

Asher. The Art Museum. CHOICE, March 2012.

Publications prior to joining OU

"Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum." The Twenties in America. Salem Press, 2012.

"Société Anonyme." The Twenties in America. Salem Press, 2012.

"Ernie Chan." Great Lives from History: Asian American and Pacific Islanders. Salem Press, 2012.

"Jorge Cham." Great Lives from History: Asian American and Pacific Islanders. Salem Press, 2012.

"Alfredo Alcala." Great Lives from History: Asian American and Pacific Islanders. Salem Press, 2012.

Bandes, S., Kingsley, A. and Greer, K. Blast from the Past: art of the 1960s. Selections from the Kresge Art Museum XII. East Lansing: Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, 2006.

A Grotesque Trade: Marketing and Artistic Identity in The Lawyer's Office by Marinus van Reymerswaele. Master of Arts Thesis, University of Notre Dame, 2005.


University Committees

University Assessment Committee (2018--present; co-chair 2019-2021)

Undergraduate Distinguished Achievement Award Committee (2016--present; chair 2018--present)

Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (2013--2016; co-chair 2015-2016)

Library Senate Committee (2011--2014; 2018--present)
University Retention Committee (2012-2016)
Focus on the Finish Line Committee (2012--2013)
Academic Open House Planning Committee (2012--2013)

Library Committees and Groups

LCAP (2012--present)
Committee on Instruction (2012--present)
Plagiarism Course ad hoc group (2011--2012)
Integrated Systems and Data Team (2012)
Web Team (2012--2013)
Electronic Resources Selection Committee (2011--present)
Information Commons Integration Taskforce (2011--2012)
Strategic Planning Team (2011--2012)
Events and Exhibits Committee (2012--present)
Reference Group (2011--present)
Instruction Group (2011--present)
Collection Development Group (2011--present)

Professional Service

ACRL Visual Literacy Task Force (2017-present)

Chapter Mentor Program Liaison, ARLIS Midstates, 2014--2017

Board Member, Michigan Association for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2010-18)

Board Member, Metro Detroit Book and Author Association (2011--present)

Member, Art Libraries Society of North America (2011--present)

Educational Background

M.S., Library and Information Science, Drexel University

M.A., Art History, University of Notre Dame

B.A., English, Magna cum Laude, Aquinas College

Created by MH / Updated on July 22, 2020 by MH

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