I have taught and researched American and Canadian history since the 1990s. In France, I was Professor of North American Studies at the University of Tours. After moving to the United States in 2006 I was an adjunct professor at Wayne State University and the University of Windsor.
Here are some highlights of my past experience.
History of immigration, citizenship and multiculturalism in the United States and Canada, especially tthe politics of immigration and citizenship.
L'immigration aux Etats-Unis de 1607 à nos jours. Paris: Ellipses, 1998. (with Benedicte Deschamps)
A documentary history of immigration in the United States.
L'immigration aux Etats-Unis, 1965-1995 : Le poids de la réunification familiale. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996.
This books tells the history of the passage of the 1965 immigration reform
bill that abolished national origins quotas and set up family reunification
as the priority of U.S. immigration policy. It then analyzes family reunification patterns among new immigrants in 1965-1995
and discusses the resulting political challenges to this policy, culminating in the adoption of a new act in 1990.
The focus is on the interaction between legislative action and social phenomena.
"Bilan de l'Intégration des immigrants aux Etats-Unis." in L'enjeu Mondial 2008 : Migrations, ed. Christophe Jaffrelot.
Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2009.
"La politique d'immigration québécoise : quelle spécificité ?" In Le Québec comparé, ed. Jean Crête.
Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2006. p. 43-70.
"Automatic Birthright Citizenship: Who is an American?" In Federalism, Citizenship, Collective Identities in U.S. History,
Proceedings of the Roosevelt Study Center Conference on Federalism, April 1999, ed. C. Van Minnen, 245-267.
Amsterdam: European Contributions to American Studies, V.U. University Press, 2000. p. 245-267.
"Que pouvez-vous faire pour votre pays? La loi d'immigration de 1965 et la révolution des droits civiques." Matériaux pour l'Histoire de Notre Temps 87 (July -Sept. 2007): 45-54.
"The Debate on Family Reunification and Canada's 1976 Immigration Act." American Review of Canadian Studies (Winter 2005): 683-704.
"Intérêts économiques et réunification familiale: Les objectifs de la politique d'immigration canadienne." Hommes et Migrations No. 1236 (March-April 2002): 59-69.
"Jus Soli" and "Family Reunification." In Immigration in America Today: An Encyclopedia, ed. James Loucky and Jeanne Armstrong. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006.
"Increase in Immigrants from the Developing World." In Encyclopedia of American Immigration, ed. James Ciment.
Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 2000.
Visiting Fellow, University of Windsor (2003-2004)
Research grant of the University of Canada (May 2000)
North American Studies Association (France), Best Doctoral Dissertation award (1994)
Fullbright Fellowship, University of Southern California (1989-1990)
Created by MH / Updated on September 26, 2017 by MH