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Authors at Oakland:
Celebrated Authors & Books in 2014



Kathleen Battles (Communication and Journalism)

Hayes, J., Battles, K., & Hilton-Morrow, W. (2013). War of the worlds to social media: Mediated communication in times of crisis. New York: Peter Lang.

Beth Black (Physical Therapy)

Black, B. & Bezner, J. R. (2013). Promoting health and wellness. In S. B. O’Sullivan, T. J. Schmitz, & G. D. Fulk (Eds.), Physical Rehabilitation (6th ed.), Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Eugene Clark (Art & Art History)

Clark, E. (2013). Anatomical illustration for the figure artist. Publisher: Author. Available on blurb.com.
Clark, E. (2013). Artis anatomica: The HHB murals of Oakland University [Paintings]. Rochester, MI: Oakland University.
Clark. E. (2013). Eugene Clark figure drawings & paintings. Publisher: Author. Available on blurb.com.

Christopher R. Clason (Modern Languages and Literatures)

Clason, C.R. (2012). "Gebrochen bluomen unde gras": Medieval ecological consciousness in selected poems by Walther von der Vogelweide. In A. Classon & C. Scarborough (Eds.), Crime and punishment in the Middle Ages and early modern age: Mental-historical investigations of basic human problems and social responses. Boston: De Gruyter.
Clason, C.R. (2012). Walther von der Vogelweide and the Middle East: “Holy Land” and the heathen. In A. Classon (Ed.), East meets west in the Middle Ages and the early modern times: Transcultural experiences in the premodern world (pp. 389-426). Boston: De Gruyter.
Classon, A. & Clason, C. R. (Eds.). (2012). Rural space in the Middle Ages and early modern age: The spatial turn in premodern studies. Boston: De Gruyter.

Jennifer Coon (Writing and Rhetoric)

Coon, J. (2013). How other nations approach reading and writing. In A. S. Horning & E. W. Kraemer (Eds.), Reconnecting reading and writing (pp. 55-68). Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

Florence J. Dallo (Health Sciences)

Jaber, L. A., Al-Kassab, A. S., Dallo, F. J. (2014). Diabetes mellitus among Arab Americans and
maternal and child health. In S. C. Nassar-McMillan, K. J. Ajrouch, & J. Hakim-Larson (Eds.), Biopsychosocial perspectives on Arab Americans: Culture, development, and health (pp. 307-324). New York: Springer.

Thomas A. Discenna (Communication and Journalism)

Discenna, T. A. (2012). Ernst Cassierer: Rhetoric, communication and symbolic form. In J. Hannan, (Ed.), Philosophical profiles in the theory of communication. New York: Peter Lang.

David A. Dulio (Political Science)

Adkins, R. A., Dulio, D. A. (Eds.) (2012). Cases in congressional campaigns: Riding the wave (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Dulio, D. & Klemanski, J. S. (2012). Schauer vs. Walberg in Michigan's Seventh Congressional District: Money helps create the wave. In R. A. Adkins & D. A. Dulio, (Eds.), Cases in congressional campaigns: Riding the wave (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Dulio, D. & Klemanski, J. S. (2013). Republican strategies and tactics in the 2012 primary and general elections. In J. A. Thurber & C. J. Nelson (Eds.), Campaigns and elections, American
style (4th ed.). New York: Perseus.

Margaret M. Glembocki (Nursing)

Glembocki, M. M. & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (Eds.). (2013). Advancing professional nursing practice:
Relationship-based care and the ANA standards of professional nursing. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Health Care Management.

Henri  Gooren (Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice)

Gooren, H. (2012). Conversion. In M. Juergensmeyer & W. Roof (Eds.), Encyclopedia of global
religion (Vol. 1, pp. 252-257). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gooren, H. (2013). The growth and development of non-Catholic churches in Paraguay. In D. E.
Miller, K. H. Sargeant, & R. Flory (Eds.), Spirit and power: The growth and global impact of
Pentecostalism (pp. 83-98). New York: Oxford University Press.

Douglas J. Gould (School of Medicine - Biomedical Sciences)

Gould, D. J. (2013). BRS neuroanatomy (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &
Gould, D. J. (2013). Lippincott’s pocket neuroanatomy. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &

Edward Gu (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Gu, E. Y. L. (2013). A journey from robot to digital human: Mathematical principles and applications with MATLAB programming. New York: Springer.

Stacey Hahn (Modern Languages)

Hahn, Stacey (2013). Crime, Punishment and the Hybrid in Medieval French Romance: Robert the Devil and Geoffrey Big Tooth. In A. Classon & C. Scarborough (Eds.), Crime and punishment in the Middle Ages and early modern age: Mental-historical investigations of basic human problems and social responses. Boston: De Gruyter.

James T. Hansen (Counseling)

Hansen, J. T. (2014). Philosophical issues in counseling and psychotherapy: encounters with four questions about knowing, effectiveness, and truth. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield.

Alice Horning (Writing and Rhetoric)

Kraemer, E. W. & Horning, A.  (Eds.). (2013). Reconnecting reading and writing. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

Elizabeth Kraemer (Library)

Kraemer, E. W. & Horning, A.  (Eds.). (2013). Reconnecting reading and writing. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

Erin A. Meyers (Communication)

Meyers, E. A. (2013). Dishing dirt in the digital age: celebrity gossip blogs and participatory media culture. New York: Peter Lang.

Dunya Mikhail (Modern Languages)

Mīkhāʼīl, D. (2013). Fifteen Iraqi poets. New York: New Directions.

Terri T. Orbuch (Sociology)

Orbuch, T. (2012). Finding love again: 6 simple steps to a new and happy relationship. Naperville, Ill.: Sourcebooks Casablanca.

Emery Petchauer (Teacher Development and Educational Studies)

Petchauer, E. (2012). Hip-hop culture in college students’ lives: elements, embodiment, and higher edutainment. New York: Routledge.
Hill, M. L., Petchauer, E. M., & Chang, J. (Eds.). (2013). Schooling Hip-Hop: expanding Hip-Hop based education across the curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press.

James Quinn (Organizational Leadership)

Ertmer, P. A., Quinn, J., & Glazewski, K. D. (2013). The ID casebook: Case studies in instructional design. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson.

Jo Reger (Sociology)

Reger, J. (2012). Everywhere and nowhere: Contemporary feminism in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wanda Reygaert (School of Medicine)

Reygaert, W. (2013). Antimicrobial therapy for complicated skin and skin structure infections in diabetes. In iConcept Press (Ed.), Research on diabetes I. Hong Kong: iConcept Press Ltd.

Amy Rutledge (School of Business Administration)

Lawson, R., Rutledge, A., Poatsy, M. A., & Grauer, R. T. (2013). Exploring Microsoft Powerpoint 2013. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.

Cynthia Schellenbach (Sociology)

Culp, A. M., Schellenbach, C., & Nguyen, L. (Eds.). (2013). The wellbeing of children in the United States: Evidence for a call for action. In A.M. Culp  (Ed.), Child and family advocacy: Bridging the gaps between research, practice, and policy (pp. 3–10). New York: Springer Science & Business

Kathleen Skomski (Writing and Rhetoric)

Skomski, K. (2013). First year writers: forward movement, backward progress. In A. S. Horning & E. W. Kraemer (Eds.), Reconnecting reading and writing (pp. 89–107). Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

Suzanne Spencer Wood (Sociology)

Spencer-Wood, S. M. (Ed.). (2013). Historical and archaeological perspectives on gender transformations: From private to public. New York: Springer.

Jackie Wiggins (Music)

Wiggins, J., & Espeland, M. I. (2012). Creating in music learning contexts. In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music education (pp. 341–360). New York: Oxford University Press.
Wiggins, J., & Medvinsky, M. (2013). Scaffolding student composers. In M. Kaschub & J. Smith (Eds.), Composing our future: Preparing music educators to teach composition. New York: Oxford University Press.

James Windell (Criminal Justice)

Axelrod, B. N., & Windell, J. (2012). Dissertation solutions: A concise guide to planning, implementing, and surviving the dissertation process. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Pub., Inc.

Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Psychology)

Zeigler-Hill, V. (Ed.). (2013). Self-esteem. New York: Psychology Press.


Created by M. Merz and M. Hristova / Updated on 03/03/2012 by D. Daniel

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