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OU Libraries is Celebrating International Open Access Week!

October 24 - 28, 2016


*Open Access (OA) is free, immediate access to scholarly information online, along with the right to use and reuse that information.

It's our fourth year participating in this event to raise awareness about open access.
OU Libraries will be hosting four events:


Monday, October 24 from 12:00-1:00pm in KL 242

Why You Should Care About OA: OU Libraries in Action

Presenter: Julia Rodriguez, Health Sciences, Nursing & Faculty Research Support Librarian

Not sure about open access publishing? Unclear how open access can benefit you? Get answers and find out what OU Libraries is doing to support OA publishing.

Powerpoint slides

Tuesday, October 25 from 12:00-1:00pm in KL 225A

Collaborative Tools for Professional & Research Projects

Presenter: Keith Engwall, Assistant Professor, Web & Emerging Technologies Librarian

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore a variety of free online tools that can be used for collaborative projects. Strengths and weaknesses of each tool will be reviewed as well as best practices for using multiple tools in a single project.   


Powerpoint slides

Wednesday, October 26 from 12:00-1:00pm in KL 225A

“Please Submit Your Manuscript With Us”: Protecting Against Predatory Publishers

Presenter: Stephanie Swanberg, Assistant Professor, Information Literacy & eLearning

We all have been contacted by random journals or publishers asking to publish our work, but how can you determine if they are legitimate? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn common characteristics and strategies for identifying predatory publishers.

Powerpoint slides

Thursday, October 27 from 12:00-1:00pm in KL 222

Deposit-a-thon: Making your scholarship openly available

Increase the accessibility of your research. We'll help you make your publications openly available. Register for more details.

INFORMATION on how to submit to OUR@Oakland


Light refreshments will be available at all events.
If you have any questions, please contact Julia Rodriguez, juliar@oakland.edu or Stephanie Swanberg, swanberg@oakland.edu

We hope you’ll join us for these exciting events!

Created by Name / Updated on May 1, 2019 by Name

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