2016 Scholarly Communication
Workshop Series

Friday March 4th from 12:00 - 1:00pm
Kresge Library room 225A
Getting Cited: Increase Your Impact - Boost Exposure and Findability Of Your Research
- Learn about researcher profiles, academic communities and Researcher ID’s.
Learn how to use social media and institutional repositories
to increase research exposure.
- Track who has cited your work.
- Gain an understanding of impact factors and Altmetrics.
Thursday March 24th from 12:00 - 1:00pm
Kresge Library room 225A
Open Data: Locating & Sharing Research Data To Promote Global Scholarly Collaboration
- Learn about the latest trends in the open research data movement.
- Discover key resources for locating existing data sets.
- Discuss how published data sets are emerging as accepted scholarly activity.
Friday April 8th from 12:00 - 1:00pm
Kresge Library room 225A
Authors' Rights & Alternatives to Copyright - Retain Your Rights and Choose an Appropriate Use License.
- Examine publishers’ contracts & addendums.
- Gain an understanding of open access publishing.
- Learn about creative commons licenses and how to use them.
Created by
/ Updated on
May 1, 2019