Annual Maurice Brown Poetry Reading
The Annual Maurice Brown Poetry
Reading is proud to host Pulitzer Prize winning
poet Carl
Dennis on
Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the
Gold Rooms A, B, and C
of the Oakland
Center. Thanks to the support of
the Department
of English and the College
of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Programs
Fund, admission is free and refreshments
will be served. For more information, call
the English Department at 248-370-2250 or contact
Bruce J. Mann, Chair, Department
of English at mann@oakland.edu.
Books at Kresge Library by Carl Dennis
about and Interviews with Carl Dennis:
- Elizabeth
Farnsworth talks with Carl Dennis (PBS)
Version - Streaming
Video - Real Audio
- Poets Q & A with Carl Dennis
Poems By Carl Dennis*:
- Three
poems by Dennis
- (2005) Not
a God. Poetry 185(5): 373
- (2004) At the border. The Nation
279(8): 38
- (2004) The
Sublime. American
Scholar 73(3): 76
Past Maurice Brown
Poetry Reading Poets *Please
note, access to some of these materials is restricted
to use by Oakland Students, Faculty, and Staff
(or from a computer located on the Oakland network). Find
out why...
Created by
/ Updated on
April 7, 2015