lethe n
[L, fr. Gk Lethe, a river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past, fr. lethe forgetfulness] : oblivion, forgetfulness
lethargy n
[fr. Gk lethargia, fr. lethargos forgetful, fr. lethe] : abnormal drowsiness
[L lupinus, fr. lupus, fr. Gk lykos wolf; assoc. with Lycaeon, who was turned into a wolf] : wolfish
Lupus n
a S constellation near the Milky Way, located between Centaurus and Scorpius
[fr. Gk lykanthrop(os) wolf-man, equiv. to lyk(os) wolf + anthropos man, the former of which, according to mythology, is from the name Lycaon, an Arcadian king transformed into a wolf for presuming to test the divinity of Zeus] 1 : a kind of insanity in which the victim imagines himself to be a wolf or other wild beast 2 : the fable's assumption of the form of a wolf by a human being
lyceum n
[L Lyceum, gymnasium near Athens where Aristotle taught, fr. Gk Lykeion, fr. lykeios, epithet of Apollo] 1 : a hall for public lectures or discussions 2 : an association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainments
lycosid n
[fr. Gk lykos wolf] : a spider of the family Lycosidae, compromising the wolf spiders