[ME, fr. OE & L; OF
, fr. L
, fr.
Friday n
[ME, fr. OE frigedaeg, fr. (assumed) Frig Frigga + daeg day, prehistoric trans. of L dies Veneris Venus' day] : the sixth day of the week, following Thursday
Saturday n
[fr. L Saturnus Saturn, ancient Roman god of agriculture and father of Jupiter] : the seventh day of the week, following Friday
Thursday n
[ME; OE Thursdaeg, fr. ODan Thursdagr, lit. Thor's day, fr. D donderdag, fr. G Donnerstag; trans. of LL dies Jovis Jove's day] : the fifth day of the week, following Wednesday
Tuesday n
[ME tewesday, OE tiwesdaeg, orig., phrase Tiwes daeg Tiw's day, translating L dies Martis day of Mars] : the third day of the week, following Monday
Wednesday n
[ME Wednesdai, OE Wednesdaeg, mutated var. of Wodnesdaeg Woden's day; cognate of D Woensdag, Dan onsdag; trans. of L Mercurii dies day of Mercury] : the fourth day of the week, following Tuesday