Oakland University’s School of Nursing and presenting sponsor, William Beaumont Hospital are proud to host the second Envision Conference: Discovering creative and futuristic opportunities for nurses to engage in entrepreneurial solutions for practice, research and education.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Royal Park Hotel
Rochester, Michigan
For more information on the envision conference or to register, go to http://www2.oakland.edu/nursing/envisionconference/.
Entrepreneurial nursing -- an oxymoron? (2007). Tennessee Nurse 69 (4), 4. Retrieved September 5, 2008, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database
Elango, B., Hunter, G., & Winchell, M. (2007, April). Barriers to nurse entrepreneurship: a study of the process model of entrepreneurship. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 19(4), 198-204. Retrieved September 4, 2008, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Darbyshire, P., Downes, M., Collins, C., & Dyer, S. (2005, September). Moving from institutional dependence to entrepreneurialism. Creating and funding a collaborative research and practice development position. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(8), 926-934. Retrieved September 4, 2008, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Collinson , G (2000). Encouraging the growth of the nurse entrepreneur. Professional Nurse 15 , Retrieved September 5.2008, from from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Porter-O'Grady , T (1998). The making of a nurse entrepreneur. Seminars for Nurse Managers 6 , Retrieved September 5.2008, from from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
*Access to full text resources from off campus is limited to current Oakland students, staff, and faculty.
Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
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