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Please join the Senate Library Committee and Kresge Library in honoring the recent publications of Oakland University's faculty. Copies of articles will be on display, and refreshments will be provided.
Featured authors will make brief presentations: Natalie B. Cole Elizabeth Kraemer & Shawn Lombardo |
Amy Banes-Berceli (Biological Sciences)
Banes-Berceli, A., Ketsawatsomkron, P., Ogbi, S., Patel, B., Pollock, D., & Marrero, M. (2007). Angiotensin II and endothelin-1 augment the vascular complications of diabetes via JAK2 activation. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 293(2), H1291-9.
Beth Black (Physical Therapy)
Giberson, T., Black, B., & Pinkerton, E. (2008). The impact of student-clinical instructor fit and student-organization fit on physical therapist clinical education experience outcomes. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 22(1), 59-64.
Michael Chaney (Counseling)
Chaney, M. (2008). Muscle dysmorphia, self-esteem, and loneliness among gay and bisexual men. International Journal of Men’s Health, 7(2), 157-170.
Catheryn Cheal (E-Learning & Instructional Support)
Cheal, C. (2007). Second life: Hype or hyperlearning? On the Horizon, 15(4), 204-210.
Eddie Cheng (Mathematics and Statistics)
Cheng, E., Lipman, M., & Lipták, L. (2008). Strong structural properties of unidirectional star graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(15), 2939-2949.
Natalie Cole (English)
Cole, N. (2008). Dickens and gender: Recent studies, 1992-2007. Dickens Studies Annual, 39, 305-396.
Kristine Condic (Library)
Condic, K. (2007). You can't just Google it. Oakland University Journal, 12, 59-69.
Scott Crabill (Integrative Studies)
Crabill, S. (2008). A content analysis of social identity cues within the online discussions of a white supremacist discussion board. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 4(2), 57-66.
Roman Dembinski (Chemistry)
Sergeant, C., Ott, I., Sniady, A., Meneni, S., Gust, R., Rheingold, A., et al. (2008). Metallo-nucleosides: Synthesis and biological evaluation of hexacarbonyl dicobalt 5-alkynyl-2'-deoxyuridines. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 6(1), 73-80.
Jacqueline Drouin (Physical Therapy)
Drouin, J., & Beeler, J. (2008). Exercise and urologic cancers. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 26(2), 205-212.
Shannon Flumerfelt (Educational Leadership)
Flumerfelt, S., Maxfield, R., & Feun, L. (2007). Leadership learning systems. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 7(8), 19-34.
Robert Folberg (School of Medicine)
Folberg, R., Kadkol, S., Frenkel, S., Valyi-Nagy, K., Jager, M., Pe'er, J., et al. (2008). Authenticating cell lines in ophthalmic research laboratories. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49(11), 4697-4701.
David Garfinkle (Physics)
Garfinkle, D., Lim, W., Pretorius, F., & Steinhardt, P. (2008). Evolution to a smooth universe in an ekpyrotic contracting phase with w > 1. Physical Review D, 78(8), 083537.
Tomas Giberson (Human Resource Development)
Giberson, T., Black, B., & Pinkerton, E. (2008). The impact of student-clinical instructor fit and student-organization fit on physical therapist clinical education experience outcomes. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 22(1), 59-64.
Frank Giblin (Eye Research Institute)
Simpanya, M., Wistow, G., Gao, J., David, L., Giblin, F., & Mitton, K. (2008). Expressed sequence tag analysis of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) eye tissues for NEIBank. Molecular Vision, 14, 2413-2427.
Henri Gooren (Sociology and Anthropology)
Gooren, H. (2007). Reassessing conventional approaches to conversion: Toward a new synthesis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 46(3), 337-353.
Brian Goslin (Exercise Science)
Gellish, R., Goslin, B., Olson, R., McDonald, A., Russi, G., & Moudgil, V. (2007). Longitudinal modeling of the relationship between age and maximal heart rate. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(5), 822-829.
Michael Grieves (Decision & Information Science)
Grieves, M., & Tanniru, M. (2008). PLM, process, practice and provenance: Knowledge provenance in support of business practices in Product Lifecycle Management. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 3(1), 37-53.
James Hansen (Counseling)
Hansen, J. (2008). Copying and coping conceptualizations of language: Counseling and the ethic of appreciation for human differences. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 30, 249-261.
Barbara Harrison (Nursing)
Harrison, B., Son, G. R., Kim, J., & Whall, A. (2007). Preserved implicit memory in dementia care: A potential model for care. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 22(4), 286-293.
Derek Hastings (History)
Hastings, D. (2008). Fears of a feminized church: Catholicism, clerical celibacy, and the crisis of masculinity in Wilhelmine Germany. European History Quarterly, 38(1), 34-65.
Jennifer Heisler (Communication and Journalism)
Heisler, J., & Ellis, J. (2008). Motherhood and the construction of “Mommy identity”: Messages about motherhood and face negotiation. Communication Quarterly, 56(4), 445-467.
Alice Horning (Writing and Rhetoric)
Horning, A. (2007). The definitive article on class size. WPA: Writing Program Administration, 31(1/2), 11-34.
Jeffrey Insko (English)
Insko, J. (2007). "All of us are Ahabs": Moby-Dick in contemporary public discourse. The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 40(2), 19-37.
James Javorsky (Human Development and Child Studies)
Sparks, R., Patton, J., Ganschow, L., Humbach, N., & Javorsky, J. (2008). Early first-language reading and spelling skills predict later second-language reading and spelling skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(1), 162-174.
Eileen Johnson (Educational Leadership)
Johnson, E. (2008). Ecological systems and complexity theory: Toward an alternative model of accountability in education. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 5(1), 1-10.
Nancy Joseph (English)
Joseph, N. (2008). Preparing secondary students for 21st century literacy through content-area reading instruction. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 23(2), 54-60.
Elizabeth Kraemer (Library)
Kraemer, E., Lombardo, S., & Lepkowski, F. (2007). The librarian, the machine, or a little of both: A comparative study of three information literacy pedagogies at Oakland University. College & Research Libraries, 68(4), 330-342.
Paul Kubicek (Political Science)
Kubicek, P. (2008). Turkey's inclusion in the Atlantic community: Looking back, looking forward. Turkish Studies, 9(1), 21-35.
Ji-Eun Lee (Teacher Development and Educational Studies)
Lee, J. (2007). Making sense of the traditional long division algorithm. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 26(1), 48-59.
Frank Lepkowski (Library)
Kraemer, E., Lombardo, S., & Lepkowski, F. (2007). The librarian, the machine, or a little of both: A comparative study of three information literacy pedagogies at Oakland University. College & Research Libraries, 68(4), 330-342.
Shawn Lombardo (Library)
Kraemer, E., Lombardo, S., & Lepkowski, F. (2007). The librarian, the machine, or a little of both: A comparative study of three information literacy pedagogies at Oakland University. College & Research Libraries, 68(4), 330-342.
Mary Lose (Reading and Language Arts)
Lose, M. (2008). Beyond the words: Considering nonverbal communication in reading recovery teaching. Journal of Reading Recovery, 7(2), 5-17.
Barbara Mabee (Modern Languages and Literatures)
Mabee, B. (2007). New York als postmoderner Locus für Emigrantengeschichten und Aufarbeitung von DDR-Familiengeschichte: Steffen Menschings Jacobs Leiter. Glossen, 26. Retrieved from http://www.dickinson.edu/glossen/heft26/article26/mabee.html.
Michael MacDonald (Teacher Development and Educational Studies)
MacDonald, M. (2007). Undergraduate education majors' knowledge about suicide. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105, 373-378.
Morris Magnan (Nursing)
Newton, S., Smith, L., Moore, G., & Magnan, M. (2007). Predicting early academic achievement in a baccalaureate nursing program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 23(3), 144-149.
Karl Majeske (Decision & Information Science)
Majeske, K. (2008). Approval criteria for multivariate measurement systems. Journal of Quality Technology, 40(2), 140.
Jennifer Martin (Education and Human Services)
Martin, J. (2008). Peer sexual harassment: Finding voice, changing culture an intervention strategy for adolescent females. Violence Against Women, 14(1), 100-124.
Deb McGinnis (Psychology)
McGinnis, D., Saunders, N., & Burns, R. (2007). Metacomprehension during rare word comprehension. Reading Psychology, 28(3), 221-240.
Kenneth Mitton (Eye Research Institute)
Mali, R., Peng, G., Zhang, X., Dang, L., Chen, S., & Mitton, K. (2008). FIZ1 is part of the regulatory protein complex on active photoreceptor-specific gene promoters in vivo. BMC Molecular Biology, 9(87), 1-17.
Gary Moore (Nursing)
Newton, S., Smith, L., Moore, G., & Magnan, M. (2007). Predicting early academic achievement in a baccalaureate nursing program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 23(3), 144-149.
Austin Murphy (Accounting and Finance)
Murphy, A. (2008). An empirical investigation of investor expectations in the currency market. International Review of Financial Analysis, 17(1), 108-133.
Sarah Newton (Nursing)
Newton, S., Smith, L., & Moore, G. (2007). Baccalaureate nursing program admission policies: Promoting success or facilitating failure? Journal of Nursing Education, 46(10), 439-444.
Jude Nixon (Honors College)
Nixon, J. (2007). Philological nationalism: Bridges, Hopkins, and the Society for Pure English. The Hopkins Quarterly, 34(3-4), 65-78.
Hongwei Qu (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Qu, H., Fang, D., & Xie, H. (2008). A monolithic CMOS-MEMS 3-axis accelerometer with a low-noise, low-power dual-chopper amplifier. IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(9), 1511-1518.
Jo Reger (Women’s Studies, Sociology and Anthropology)
Reger, J. (2007). Where are the leaders?: Music, culture, and contemporary feminism. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(10), 1350-1369.
Wanda Reygaert (Medical Laboratory Sciences)
Parsons-Reygaert, W., & Logue-O'Malley, J. (2008). The use of gaming technology to enhance learning in a traditional college class setting. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 4(5), 119-123.
Mark Rigstad (Philosophy)
Rigstad, M. (2008). The senses of terrorism. Review Journal of Political Philosophy, 6(1), 78-102.
Brad Roth (Physics)
Hosfeld, V., Puwal, S., Jankowski, K., & Roth, B. (2007). A model for multi-site pacing of fibrillation using nonlinear dynamics feedback. Journal of Biological Physics, 33(2), 145-153.
Michael Sevilla (Chemistry)
Adhikary, A., Kumar, A., Khanduri, D., & Sevilla, M. (2008). Effect of base stacking on the Acid#Base properties of the adenine cation radical [A•] in solution: ESR and DFT studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(31), 10282-10292.
Mohammad-Reza Siadat (Computer Science and Engineering)
Siadat, M., & Soltanian-Zadeh, H. (2007). Partial volume and distribution estimation from multispectral images using continuous representations. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 16(4), 043001.
Julia Smith (Educational Leadership)
Smith, J., & Niemi, N. (2007). Exploring teacher perceptions of small boys in kindergarten. The Journal of Educational Research, 100(6), 331-336.
Rachel Smydra (English)
Smydra, R. (2007). Chick Lit’s re-packaging of plagiarism: The debate over Chick Lit’s influence on authorship and publishing. Plagiary: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification, 2(8), 1-8.
Vijay Sugumaran (Decision & Information Science)
Storey, V., Burton-Jones, A., Sugumaran, V., & Purao, S. (2008). CONQUER: A methodology for context-aware query processing on the World Wide Web. Information Systems Research, 19(1), 3-25.
Susmit Suvas (Biological Sciences)
Suvas, S., Kim, B., & Rouse, B. (2008). Homeostatic expansion of CD4+ T cells upregulates VLA-4 and exacerbates HSV-induced corneal immunopathology. Microbes and Infection, 10(10-11), 1192-1200.
Mohan Tanniru (Business Administration)
Grieves, M., & Tanniru, M. (2008). PLM, process, practice and provenance: Knowledge provenance in support of business practices in Product Lifecycle Management. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 3(1), 37-53.
Jackie Wiggins (Music, Theatre and Dance)
Wiggins, R., & Wiggins, J. (2008). Primary music education in the absence of specialists. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 9(12). Retrieved from http://www.ijea.org/v9n12/.
Robert Wiggins (Education and Human Services)
Wiggins, R., & Wiggins, J. (2008). Primary music education in the absence of specialists. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 9(12). Retrieved from http://www.ijea.org/v9n12/.
Keith Williams (Psychology)
Williams, K., & Schimmel, J. (2008). Effect of naltrexone during extinction of alcohol-reinforced responding and during repeated cue-conditioned reinstatement sessions in a cue exposure style treatment. Alcohol, 42(7), 553-563.
Patricia Wren (Health Sciences)
Wren, P., Janz, N., FitzGerald, M., Barber, M., Burgio, K., Cundiff, G., et al. (2008). Optimism in women undergoing abdominal sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 207(2), 240-245.
Yang Xia (Physics)
Xia, Y., Alhadlaq, H., Ramakrishnan, N., Bidthanapally, A., Badar, F., & Lu, M. (2008). Molecular and morphological adaptations in compressed articular cartilage by polarized light microscopy and fourier-transform infrared imaging. Journal of Structural Biology, 164(1), 88-95.
Lian Yang (Mechanical Engineering)
Yang, L., & Siebert, T. (2008). Digital speckle interferometry in engineering. In H. Caulfield, & C. Vikram (Eds.), New directions in holography and speckle (pp. 405-440). Stevenson Ranch, CA: American Scientific Publishers.
Kenneth York (Management and Marketing)
York, K., Tyler, C., Tyler, J., & Gugel, P. (2008). The ever-changing face of sex stereotyping and sex discrimination in the workplace. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15(2), 123-134.
Shuishan Yu (Art and Art History)
Yu, S. (2008). Redefining the axis of Beijing: Revolution and nostalgia in the planning of the PRC capital. Journal of Urban History, 34(4), 571-608.
Wen Zhang (Mathematics and Statistics)
Zhang, W., & Gladwell, I. (2007). The effect of imposing a corner condition on the evolution of two-dimensional crystal morphologies by surface diffusion with anisotropic surface free energies. Computational Materials Science, 40(1), 57-65.
Yun (Ellen) Zhu (Accounting and Finance)
Murphy, A., & Zhu, Y. (2008). Unraveling the complex interrelationships between exchange rates and fundamentals. Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(6), 1150-1160.
Chair: Shannon Flumerfelt (School of Education & Human Services) -- 2007-2009
Kristine Condic (Library) -- 2008-2010
John Finke (Chemistry) -- 2008-2010
Rebecca Gaydos (Linguistics) -- 2007-2009
Mariela Hristova (Library) -- 2008-2010
Alice Horning (Writing & Rhetoric) -- 2007-2009
Sara Maher (School of Health Sciences) -- 2008-2010
Karen Markel (School of Business Administration) -- 2007-2009
Barbara Oakley (School of Engineering & Computer Science) -- 2008-2010
Laura Pittiglio (School of Nursing) -- 2008-2010
Julia Rodriguez (Library) -- 2007-2009
Ann Switzer (Library) -- 2008-2009
Vagner Whitehead (Art & Art History) -- 2008-2010
Students: Josh Mahoney, Ashley Marthen
Dean of the Library: Julie Voelck
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee: Tamara Machmut-Jhashi
Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
(248) 370 - 4426