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Please join the Senate Library Committee and Kresge Library in honoring the recent publications of Oakland University's faculty. Copies of books will be on display, and refreshments will be provided. Two featured authors will make presentations:
Are you an Oakland Faculty member who has published a book? Please consider donating a copy to the Kresge Library. Out of personal copies? No problem. The University Research Committee has a special fund set up for reimbursement for books. Contact a member of the University Research Committee for more information.
SUSAN M. AWBREY (Undergraduate Education)
Awbrey, S. M. (2006). Integrative learning and action a call to wholeness. New York: Peter Lang.
Baillargeon, C. (2007). Vattemare and the transatlantic dissemination of photographic practices. In E. Havens, & P.- A. Tillette (Eds.), The extravagant ambassador the true story of Alexandre Vattemare, the French ventriloquist who changed the world (pp. 206-215). Paris: Passage.
ANNE BECKER (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Horning, A. S., & Becker, A. (2006). Revision history, theory, and practice. Reference guides to rhetoric and composition. West Lafayette, Ind: Parlor Press.
THOMAS W. BLUME (Counseling)
Blume, T. W. (2006). Becoming a family counselor a bridge to family therapy theory and practice. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley.
CHRISTOPHER R. CLASON (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Clason, C. (2006). A good tale, and reading it well: Truth, fiction and a future critical perspective on Gottfried’s Tristan. In International Courtly Literature Society, K. Busby, & C. Kleinhenz (Eds.), Courtly arts and the art of courtliness selected papers from the Eleventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society (pp. 309-320). University of Wisconsin-Madison, 29 July - 4 August 2004. Cambridge, UK: D.S. Brewer.
Connery, B. A. (2006). Introduction to the Transaction Edition. In L. Feinberg, The satirist (pp. ix-xxiii). New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction.
DAVID P. DOANE (Decision & Information Science)
Doane, D. P., & Seward, L. W. (2008). Essential statistics in business and economics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
DAVID DULIO (Political Science)
Dulio, D. A. (2006). The effects of political consultants. In S.C. Craig (Ed.), The electoral challenge theory meets practice (pp. 183-202). Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.
Klemanski, J. S., & Dulio, D. A. (2006). The mechanics of state legislative campaigns. Belmont, Calif: Thomson Wadsworth.
Dulio, A. D. & Garrett R.S. (2007). Organizational strength and campaign professionalism in state parties. In D. J. Coffey, & J. C. Green (Eds.), The state of the parties the changing role of contemporary American parties. People, passions, and power (pp. 199-216). Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.
Eberwein, J. D., & Uno, H. (2007). Emiri dikinsun jiten. Amerika bungaku raiburarī, 4. Tōkyō: Yūshōdō Shuppan.
Eberwein, J.D. (2007). Told in story or sung in rhyme: Narrative pairings in prose and verse. In P. Bennett, K. L. Kilcup, & P. Schweighauser (Eds.), Teaching nineteenth-century American poetry (pp. 232-243). New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Eberwein, R. T. (2007). Armed forces masculinity and sexuality in the American war film. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
TODD ESTES (History)
Estes, T. (2006). The Jay Treaty debate, public opinion, and the evolution of early American political culture. Political development of the American nation. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
SUBRA GANESAN (Computer Science & Engineering)
Ganesan, S., & Rao, K. N. (2007). Systems engineering, 2007. Warrendale, PA: SAE International.
Gilson, A. (2006). New light. Seattle, WA: Black Heron Press.
STACEY HAHN (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Hahn, S. (2006). Tel cuide vengier sa honte qui l’accroist: Wrath in Jean D’Arras’s Roman De Melusine. In International Courtly Literature Society, K. Busby, & C. Kleinhenz (Eds.), Courtly arts and the art of courtliness selected papers from the Eleventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society (pp. 419-430). University of Wisconsin-Madison, 29 July - 4 August 2004. Cambridge, UK: D.S. Brewer.
Hahn, S. (2007). The enigmatic contours of the bed in Yale 229. In E. M. Willingham (Ed.), Essays on the "Lancelot" of Yale 229. The illustrated Lancelot prose (pp. 69-88). Turnhout: Brepols.
KELLIE D. HAY (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Palmer-Mehta, V. & Hay, K. D. (2006). Reader response to the anti-gay hate crime story line in DC Comics’ Green Lantern. In C. K. Weaver, & C. Carter (Eds.), Critical readings violence and the media. Issues in cultural and media studies (pp. 304-318). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
BENJAMIN T. HOFFIZ (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Hoffız, B. T. (2007). Arabic: acquisition & comprehension. Ann Arbor, Mich: Copley Custom Textbooks.
ALICE HORNING (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Horning, A. (2007). Examining personal ads and job ads. In M.T. Whitty, A. J. Baker, J.A. Inman (Eds.), Online matchmaking (pp. 70-80). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Horning, A. S., & Becker, A. (2006). Revision history, theory, and practice. Reference guides to rhetoric and composition. West Lafayette, Ind: Parlor Press.
Dew, D. F., & Horning, A. S. (2007). Untenured faculty as writing program administrators institutional practices and politics. Lauer series in rhetoric and composition. West Lafayette, Ind: Parlor Press.
SHARON HOWELL (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Howell, S., Brock, B., & Brown, K. (2006). Facilitating Cultural Change: A Citizens Group Confronts Dehumanization in the Schools-The Last of the Redskins. In L. R. Frey (Ed.), Facilitating group communication in context: innovations and applications with natural groups (pp. 299-322). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Howell, S. (2006). Detroit Summer: Wiederaufbau unserer Städte von Grund auf. In C. Möller, U. Peters, & I. Vellay (Eds.), Dissidente Praktiken: Erfahrungen mit herrschafts- und warenkritischer Selbstorganisation (pp. 63-72). Konzepte, Materialien, Bd. 4. Königstein/Taunus: Helmer.
RAVINDRA KHATTREE (Mathematics & Statistics)
Khattree, R., & Naik, D. N. (2008). Computational methods in biomedical research. Chapman & Hall/CRC biostatistics series. Boca Raton, FL:
Chapman & Hall/CRC.
MADELYN J. KISSOCK (Linguistics)
Hale, M. & Kissock, M. J. (2007). The phonetics-phonology interfaces and the acquisition of perseverant underspecification. In G. Ramchand, & C. Reiss (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of linguistic interfaces. Oxford handbooks in linguistics (pp. 81-101). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
JOHN KLEMANSKI (Political Science)
Klemanski, J. S., & Dulio, D. A. (2006). The mechanics of state legislative campaigns. Belmont, Calif: Thomson Wadsworth.
PAUL KUBICEK (Political Science)
Kubicek, P. (2007). Trade unions in Ukraine. In C. Phelan (Ed.), Trade union revitalisation trends and prospects in 34 countries (pp.363-377). Oxford: Peter Lang.
ROGER T. LAROCCA (Political Science)
Larocca, R. T. (2006). The presidential agenda sources of executive influence in Congress. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
BARBARA MABEE (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Moeller, J., Adolph, W. R., Mabee, B., & Berger, S. (2007). Kaleidoskop Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Matthews, W. C. (2006). Confronting an empire, constructing a nation Arab nationalists and popular politics in mandate Palestine. Library of Middle East history, v. 10. London: I.B. Tauris.
SHANNAN MCNAIR (Human Development & Child Studies)
Ashburn, E.A., Baildon, M., Damico, J., & McNair, S. (2006). Mapping the terrain for meaningful learning using technology in social studies. In E. A. Ashburn, & R.E. Floden (Eds.), Meaningful learning using technology what educators need to know and do. The TEC series (pp. 117-140). New York: Teachers College Press.
McNair, S. (2006). Start young! early childhood science activities. Arlington, Va: NSTA Press.
JACK MOELLER (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Moeller, J., Adolph, W. R., Mabee, B., & Berger, S. (2007). Kaleidoskop Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
BARBARA OAKLEY (Industrial & Systems Engineering)
Oakley, B. A. (2007). Evil genes why Rome fell, Hitler rose, Enron failed and my sister stole my mother's boyfriend. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
VALERIE PALMER-MEHTA (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Palmer-Mehta, V. (2007). “We are all bound up together:” Frances Harper and feminist theory. In K. Waters, & C. B. Conaway (Eds.), Black women's intellectual traditions speaking their minds (pp. 192-215). Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Press.
Palmer-Mehta, V. & Hay, K. D. (2006). Reader response to the anti-gay hate crime story line in DC Comics’ Green Lantern. In C. K. Weaver, & C. Carter (Eds), Critical readings violence and the media. Issues in cultural and media studies (pp. 304-318). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Palmer-Mehta, V. (2007). The “Oprahization” of America: The man show and the redefinition of black femininity. In J. Harris, & E. Watson (Eds.), The Oprah phenomenon (65-84). Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
Palmer-Mehta, V. (2006). Disciplining the masculine: The disruptive power of Janice Soprano. In D. Lavery (Ed.), Reading the Sopranos hit TV from HBO. Reading contemporary television (pp. 56-68). London: I.B. Tauris.
THOMAS C. PEDRONI (Teacher Development & Educational Studies)
Pedroni, T. C. (2007). Market movements African American involvement in school voucher reform. New York: Routledge.
Plantus-Runey, D. (2007). Cinematic translation of Ionel Teodoreanu's Lorelei creating a film script from a classic Romanian novel. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
Stefanescu, I.B., & Plantus-Runey, D. (2006). Of Stones and Birds=Despre pertre si pasari. Translated by Junona Tutunea and Doris Plantus-Runey. Bucuresti: AXA Publishing.
Hobbie, R. K., & Roth, B. J. (2007). Intermediate physics for medicine and biology. Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering. New York: Springer.
Schimmelman, J. G. (2007). Books on art in early America books on art, aesthetics and instruction available in American libraries and bookstores through 1815. New Castle, Del: Oak Knoll Press.
Schimmelman, J. G. (2007). The tintype in America, 1856-1880. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
MEIR SHILLOR (Mathematics & Statistics)
Sofonea, M., Han, W., & Shillor, M. (2006). Analysis and approximation of contact problems with adhesion or damage. Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics, 276. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
GAUTAM B. SINGH (Computer Science & Engineering)
Arora, D. K., Berka, R. M., & Singh, G. B. (2006). Applied mycology and biotechnology. Volume 6, Bioinformatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
MICHAEL B. SMITH (Linguistics)
Hurford, J. R., Heasley, B., & Smith, M. B. (2007). Semantics a coursebook. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press.
Sutton, M. A. (2007). Aimee Semple McPherson and the resurrection of Christian America. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Joubert, C. L., Thompson Adams, L. S., & Hutchinson, J. (2007). Losing control loving a black child with bipolar disorder. Charleston, S.C.: Advantage.
JACKIE WIGGINS (Music, Theatre & Dance)
Wiggins, J. (2007). Compositional process in music. In L. Bresler (Ed.), International handbook of research in arts education (pp. 453-469). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
YANG XIA (Physics)
Xia, Y. & Callaghan, P. T. (2006). Imaging complex fluids in complex geometries. In S. Stapf, & S.-l. Han (Eds), NMR imaging in chemical engineering (pp. 404-416). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
Ji-Eun Lee, Chair - School of Education & Human Services
Kris Condic - Library
Meghan Harris - School of Nursing
Barbara Harrison - School of Nursing
Ann Pogany - Library
Jeanie Robertson - Writing & Rhetoric
Shannon Flumerfelt - School of Education & Human Services
Rebecca Gaydos - Linguistics
Alice Horning - Writing & Rhetoric
Tricia Juettemeyer - Library
Karen Markel - School of Business Administration
Robert Slater - Library
Cathy Larson - School of Health SciencesStudents: Amanda Vanderford, Matt Thomas, Joshua Miller
Interim Dean of the Library: Julie Voelck
Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee: Tamara Machmut-Jhashi
Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
(248) 370 - 4426