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![]() 2pm to 4pm Kresge Library 4th floor Please join the Senate Library Committee and Kresge Library in honoring the recent publications of Oakland University's faculty. Copies of articles will be on display, and refreshments will be provided. Two featured authors will make presentations:
Baillargeon, Claude. "Témoignages de rivalité industrielle : la France et les photographies de grands travaux d’origine étrangère." Etudes Photographiques 17 (2005): 16-43.
Barber, Gary , et al. "Study of Flow Characteristics of Lubricant in Spiral Groove Bearings by the Fluorescent Method." STLE Tribology Transactions 48.2 (2005): 259-263.
Benson, Linda. "Missionaries with Attitude: A women's Mission in Northwestern China." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 29.4 (2005): 183-186.
Bertocci, Peter. "A Sufi movement in Bangladesh: The Maijbhandari tariqa and its followers." Contributions to Indian Sociology 40.1 (2006): 1-28.
Broszeit-Rieger, Ingrid. "Paintings in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister Novels: The Dynamics of Erecting and "Eroding" the Paternal Law." Goethe Yearbook 13 (2005): 105-124.
Cameron, John. "The Early Paper Stereographs of Claude-Marie Ferrier 1851-1861." Stereo World Nov/Dec (2005): 20-35.
Chaney, Michael. "Boredom Proness, Social Connectedness, and Sexual Addiction Among Men Who Have Sex With Male Internet Users." Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling 26 (2006): 111-122.
Chaudhry, G., et al. "Fabrication of Polycaprolactone Scaffolds Using a Sacrificial Compression-Molding Process." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 77B.2 (2006): 287-295.
Cheng, Eddie, et al. "Maximal Vertex Connectivity of $\overrightarrow{S_{n,k}}$." Networks 46.3 (2005): 154-162.
Clason, Christopher. "'O Appetit, dein Name ist Kater!' Food, Instinct, and Chaos in E.T.A. Hoffmann's Kater Murr." Nineteenth Century Studies 19 (2005): 1-16.
Condic, Kristine. "Counseling Resources for Students, Consumers, and Professionals." College & Research Libraries News 66.6 (2005): 454-457, 465.
Creighton, Douglas, et al. "Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis through the Use of Translatoric Manipulation and Lumbar Flexion Exercises: A Case Series." The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 14.1 (2006), E1 - E10.
Dang, Loan, et al. "Fabrication of Polycaprolactone Scaffolds Using a Sacrificial Compression-Molding Process." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 77B.2 (2006): 287-295.
Dembinski, Roman, et al. " Fluorous Compounds and Their Role in Separation Chemistry." Journal of Chemical Education 83.1 (2006): 84-92.
Dunn, Karen. "Testing a Middle-Range Theoretical Model of Adaptation to Chronic Pain." Nursing Science Quarterly 18.2 (2005): 146-156.
Eberwein, Jane. "'Where - Omnipresence - fly?' - Calvinism as Impetus to Spiritual Amplitude." The Emily Dickinson Journal 14.2 (2005): 12-23.
Edwards, Kyle. "Brand-Name Literature: Film Adaptation and Selzick International Pictures' Rebecca (1940)." Cinema Journal 45.3 (2006): 32-58.
Flumerfelt, Shannon. "Understanding Organizational Efficiency and Branding in Public Schools in the United States." International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 6.1: 79-86.
Folland, Sherman. "Value of Life and Behavior Toward Health Risks: An Interpretation of Social Capital." Health Economics 15.2 (2006): 159-171.
Ganesan, Subra, et al. "Fuzzy Logic Control Based Failure Detection and Identification (FDI) Module for Internal Combustion (IC) Engines." SAE Transaction Journal 2006- Automotive Electronics (SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-1352).
Goldberg, Andrew. "Role of Peripherin/rds in Vertebrate Photoreceptor Architecture and Inherited Retinal Degenerations." International Review of Cytology 253 (2006): 131-175.
Hansen, James. "The Devaluation of Inner Subjective
Experiences by the Counseling
Profession: A Plea to Reclaim
the Essence of the Profession." Journal of Counseling & Development 83 (2005): 406-415.
Harrison, Barbara, et al. " Alzheimer's Disease behaviors from past self-identities: An exploration of the memory and cognitive features." American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 20.4 (2005): 248-254.
Hay, Kellie. " Situating Diasporas in an Ethnographic Tale: Arab American Identities under Pressure." International Journal of Communication 15.1&2 (2005): 165-184.
Hunter, R. Douglas , et al. "A multiproxy environmental investigation of Holocene wood from a submerged conifer forest in Lake Huron, USA Quaternary Research 66 (2006) 67–77
Jackson, Frances, et al. "HIV Knowledge, Perceived Seriousness and Susceptibility, and Risk Behaviors of Older African Americans." The Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health 11.1 (2005): 56-62.
Javorsky, James, et al. "Comparison of the Performance of College Students Classified as ADHD, LD, and LD/ADHD in Foreign Language Courses." Language Learning 55:1 (2005): 151–177.
Johnson, Eileen. Preparing Educational Leaders for Today and Tomorrow: A Critical Discussion. Educational Leadership Review 7.1 (2006): 30-33.
Keane, William G, et al. "Exploring the Uniqueness of the Core Leadership Roles of CEOs of an Educational Service Agency." Perspectives 12 (2006): 39-56.
Kondratek, Melodie, et al. " Use of Translatoric Mobilization in a Patient with Cervicogenic Dizziness and Motion Restriction: A Case Report." The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 14.3 (2006): 140-151.
Krauss, John R , et al. " Use of Translatoric Mobilization in a Patient with Cervicogenic Dizziness and Motion Restriction: A Case Report." The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 14.3 (2006): 140-151.
Kridli, Suha Al-Oballi, et al. "The Epidemiology of Diabetes and Its Risk Factor Among Chaldean Americans." Ethnicity & Disease 16 (2006): 351-356.
Kruk, Serge, et al. "Ethics Under Attack." Oakland Journal 10 (2006): 75-85.
Kubicek, Paul. " The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey." Turkish Studies 6.3 (2005): 361-377.
Kusow, Abdi. "Migration and Racial Formations Among Somali Immigrants in North America." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32.3 (2006): 533-551.
Lee, Ji-Eun. "Teaching Algebraic Expressions to Young Students: The Three-day Journey of 'a+2'." School Science and Mathematics 106.2 (2006): 98-104.
Leibert, Todd. "Making Change Visible: The Possibilities in Assessing Mental Health Counseling Outcomes." Journal of Counseling & Development 84 (2006): 108-113.
Lindemann, Charles, et al. "The Counterbend Phenomenon in Dynein-Disabled Rat Sperm Flagella and What it Reveals about the Interdoublet Elasticity." Biophysical Journal 89 (2005): 1165-1174.
Liptak, Laszlo, et al. "Structural Properties of Hyper-Stars." ARS Combinatoria 80 (2006): 65-73.
Lose, Mary. "Valuing Expert Teacher Decision-Making." The Michigan Journal of Teacher Education 2.2 (2005): 7-12.
MacDonald, Michael. "Attitudes of Trainees in Suicide Intervention Toward Euthanasia and Suicide Among the Nonterminally Ill." Psychological Reports 96 (2005): 709-712.
Magnan, Morris, et al. "Barriers to Addressing Patient Sexuality Concerns Across Five Areas of Specialization." Clinical Nurse Specialist 20.6 (2006): 285-292.
Majeske, Karl, et al. "Approving Measurement Systems when Using Derived Values." Quality Engineering 18 (2006): 523-532.
Malec, Mariah. "Dance for the Camera Workshop 2005." Dance on Camera Ezine April (2006): 10-11 (http://www.dancefilms.org/Ezineapril06.html).
Martin, Craig. "With Aristotelians Like These, Who Needs Anti-Aristotelians? Chymical Corpuscular Matter Theory In Niccolò Cabeo’s Meteorology." Early Science and Medicine 11.2 (2006): 135-161.
Mayer, Don. "Public Interest and Private Rights in Eminent Domain: Moving Beyond Kelo V. New London." Business Law Review 39 (2006): 57-75.
McEneaney, John. "Agent-based literacy theory." Reading Research Quarterly 41.3 (2006): 352-371.
McNair, Shannan, et al. "Students' Ideas About Plants & Plant Growth." The American Biology Teacher 68.2 (2006): 73-79.
Mitchell, Anne Marie, et al. "Postpartum Depression: The Reliability of Telephone Screening." MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 31.6 (2006): 382-387.
Mittelstaedt, Mary, et al. "Postpartum Depression: The Reliability of Telephone Screening." MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 31.6 (2006): 382-387.
Moore, Gary, et al. "The Significance of Graduate Admission Written Goal Statements." Journal of Professional Nursing 22.3 (2006): 205-209.
Motyka, Carrie, et al. "Factors Contributing to Women's Ability to Maintain a Walking Program." Journal of Holistic Nursing 24.1 (2006): 7-14.
Newton, Sarah, et al. "The Significance of Graduate Admission Written Goal Statements." Journal of Professional Nursing 22.3 (2006): 205-209.
Nixon, Jude. "'Eternity in the vesture of Time': Carlyle, Thermodynamic Discourse, and Apocalyptic Anxieties." Literature and Belief 25.1&2 (2005): 164-195.
O’Mahony, Carolyn. "Relating Research on Children’s Thinking to Teachers’ Professional Practice: A Study of Research–Informed Teacher Planning in Early Grades Social Studies." Theory and Research in Social Education 34.2 (2006): 2-29.
Palmer-Mehta, Valeria. "The Wisdom of Folly: Disrupting Masculinity in King of the Hill." Text and Performance Quarterly 26.2 (2006): 181-198.
Pedroni, Thomas, et al. "Conservative Alliance Building and African American Support of Vouchers: The End of Brown’s Promise or a New Beginning?" Teachers College Record 107.9 (2005): 2068-2105.
Penprase, Barbara, et al. "HIV Knowledge, Perceived Seriousness and Susceptibility, and Risk Behaviors of Older African Americans." The Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health 11.1 (2005): 56-62.
Rajagopalan, Balaji. "Performance analysis of filtering software using Signal Detection Theory." Decision Support Systems 42 (2006): 1015-1028.
Raman, Lakshmi, et al. "Children's Understanding of the Transmission of Genetic Disorders and Contagious Illnesses." Developmental Psychology 41.1 (2005): 171-182.
Reger, Jo, et al. "Patterns Of Mobilization In Local Movement Organizations: Leadership And Strategy In Four National Organization For Women Chapters." Sociological Perspectives 49.3 (2006): 297-323.
Rigstad, Mark. "The Grammars of "Power": Between Contestation and Mediation." Theoria 111 (2006): 108-141.
Riley-Doucet, Cheryl. "Beliefs About the Controllability of Pain: Congruence Between Older Adults with Cancer and Their Family Caregivers." Journal of Family Nursing 11.3 (2005): 225-241.
Roth, Bradley, et al. "Quatrefoil Reentry Caused by Burst Pacing." Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 17.12 (2006): 1362-1368.
Schott-Baer, Darlene, et al. "Postpartum Depression: The Reliability of Telephone Screening." MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 31.6 (2006): 382-387.
Schwartz, Robert. "Literacy Learning of At-Risk First-Grade Students in the Reading Recovery Early Intervention." Journal of Educational Psychology 97.2 (2005): 257-267.
Shillor, M., et al. "Quasistic Evolution of Damage in an Elastic Body." Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 7 (2006): 674-699.
Slater. Robert. "Reference Desk Notes: An Online Knowledge Management System." Internet Reference Services Quarterly 11.3 (2006): 69-83.
Smith, Lorenzo M., et al. "Fundamental Concepts for “Corner” Forming Limit Diagrams and Closed-Form Formulas for Planar Tube Hydroforming Analysis." Transactions of the ASME 128 (2006): 874-883.
Smith, Michael B. "The Conceptual Structure of German Impersonal Constructions." Journal of Germanic Linguistics 17.2 (2005): 79-140.
Smydra, Rachel, et al. "Ethics Under Attack." Oakland Journal 10 (2006): 75-85.
Spencer-Wood, Suzanne. "A Feminist Theoretical Approach to the Historical Archaeology of Utopian Communities." Historical Archaeology 40.1 (2006): 171-204.
Stein, Mary, et al. "Students' Ideas About Plants & Plant Growth." The American Biology Teacher 68.2 (2006): 73-79.
Stewart, Robert, et al. "Why I am a Psychology Major: An Empirical Analysis of Student Motivations." Quality & Quantity 39 (2005): 687-709.
Sugumaran, Vijayan, et al. "The Role of Domain Ontologies in Database Design: An Ontology Management and Conceptual Modeling Environment." ACM Transactions on Database Systems 31.3 (2006): 1064-1094.
Thompson-Adams, Linda. "Terrance Keenan Nursing Leadership Lecture: Pathway to Leadership." Online Journal of Issues in Nursing March 2006 (http://www.nursingworld.org/ojin/keynotes/speech5.htm).
Trentacoste, Patricia. "The Role of Aesthetic Competence for Moral Discernment." Philosophy in the Contemporary World 13.1 (2006): 34-40.
Tyler, Catherine, et al. "Applying The Transtheoretical Model Of Change To The Sequencing Of Ethics Instruction In Business Education." Journal of Management Education 30.1 (2006): 45-64.
Vasquez, Adrian, et al. "Fabrication of Polycaprolactone Scaffolds Using a Sacrificial Compression-Molding Process." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 77B.2 (2006): 287-295.
Whall, Ann, et al. "A Philosophic Analysis of Evidence-Based Nursing: Recurrent themes, metanarratives, and exemplar cases." Nursing Outlook 54.1 (2006): 30-35.
Winkler, Barry. "Blockade of PARP activity attenuates poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation but offers only partial neuroprotection against NMDA-induced cell death in the rat retina." Journal of Neurochemistry 98 (2006): 1732-1745.
Zou, Qian, et al. "Study of Flow Characteristics of Lubricant in Spiral Groove Bearings by the Fluorescent Method." STLE Tribology Transactions 48.2 (2005): 259-263.
Are you an Oakland Faculty member who has published a book? Please consider donating a copy to the Kresge Library. Out of personal copies? No problem. The University Research Committee has a special fund set up for reimbursement for books. Contact a member of the University Research Committee for more information.
Stacey Hahn (Modern Languages & Literatures)—2005-2007 as chair--2006-2007
Fuad Hasanov (School of Business Administration)—2005-2007
Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology)—2005-2007
Linda Hildebrand (Library)—2005-2007
Qian (Beth) Zou (School of Engineering & Computer Science)—2005-2007
Robert Slater (Library)—2005-2007
Cathy Larson (School of Health Sciences) -- 2006-2008
Meghan Harris (School of Nursing) -- 2006-2008
Ann Pogany (Library) -- 2006-2008
Jeanie Robertson (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism) -- 2006-2008
Kris Condic (Library) -- 2006-2008
Barbara Harrison (School of Nursing) -- 2006-2008
Ji-Eun Lee (School of Education & Human Services) -- 2006-2008
Students: Eric Ventimiglia; Mia Evans; Madalyn Miller
Interim Dean of the Library: Julie Voelck
Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee: Tamara Machmut-Jhashi
Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
(248) 370 - 4426