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![]() 2pm to 4pm Kresge Library 4th floor Please join the Senate Library Committee and Kresge Library in honoring the recent publications of Oakland University's faculty. Copies of books will be on display, and refreshments will be provided. Two featured authors will make presentations:
Are you an Oakland Faculty member who has published a book? Please consider donating a copy to the Kresge Library. Out of personal copies? No problem. The University Research Committee has a special fund set up for reimbursement for books. Contact a member of the University Research Committee for more information.
Benson, L. (2004). Education and social mobility among minority populations in Xinjiang. In S. F. Starr (Ed.), Xinjiang: China’s Muslim borderland (pp.190-215). Armonk, NY: Sharpe.
THOMAS W. BLUME (Education-Counseling)
Blume, T. W. (2004). A family with gender inequality: Theory in clinical teaching. In V. L. Bengtson, A. C. Acock, K. R. Allen, P. Dilworth-Anderson, & D. M. Klein (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theory and research (pp. 586-589). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chapman, S. (2004). Private ambition and political alliances: Phelyeaux de Pontchartrain family. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
JAMES F. CIPIELEWSKI (Reading & Language Arts)
Pavonetti, L. M., & Cipielewski, J. F. (2004). Twentieth-century movers and shakers in American children's books: A survey of children's literature assembly members. In L. M. Pavonetti (Ed.), Children's literature remembered: Issues, trends, and favorite books (pp. 1-5). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Cipielewski, J. F. (2005). What tales do we tell of the twentieth-century?: Folktales and fairy tales prosper. In L. M. Pavonetti (Ed.), Children's literature remembered: Issues, trends, and favorite books (pp. 49-64). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
RONALD CRAMER (Reading & Language Arts)
Cramer, R. L. (2004). Language arts: A balanced approach to teaching reading, writing, listening, talking, and thinking. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
DAVID A. DULIO (Political Science)
Dulio, D. A. (2004). For better or worse?: How political consultants are changing elections in the United States. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Dulio, D. A., & Nelson, C. J. (2005). Vitals signs: Perspectives on the health of American campaigning. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Eberwein, R. T. (Ed.). (2005). The war film. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press.
ROBERT S. FINK (Education-Counseling)
Fink, R. S. (2005). What murder leaves behind: Special considerations in the treatment of surviving family members. In J. Webber, D. D. Bass & R.Yep (Eds.), Terrorism, trauma and tragedies: A counselor’s guide to preparing and responding (pp. 103-108). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
STACEY L. HAHN (Modern Language & Literature)
Hahn, S. L. (2004). Constructive and destructive violence in Jean d'Arras' Roman de Mélusine. In A. Classen (Ed.), Violence in medieval courtly literature : A casebook (pp. 187-205). New York: Routledge.
DARRYL C. HILL (Health Sciences)
Hill, D.C. (Ed.). (2004). Construction safety management and engineering. Des Plaines, IL: American Society of Safety Engineers.
ALICE S. HORNING (Rhetoric Communication & Journalism)
Horning, A. S. (2004). Revising academic texts. In W. Bishop (Ed.), Acts of
revision (pp. 38-50). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
SHARON HOWELL (Rhetoric, Communication & Journalism)
Howell, S. (2005). Thinking for ourselves: Fundamental questions. In J. B. Childs, (Ed.), Hurricane Katrina: Response and responsibility (pp.122-124). Santa Cruz, CA: New Pacific Press.
Brock, B. L., Huglen, M. E., Klumpp, J. F., & Howell, S. (2005). Making sense of political ideology: The power of language in democracy. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
EILEEN S. JOHNSON (Educational Leadership)
Beyer, B. M., & Johnson, E. S. (Eds.). (2005). Special programs & services in schools: Creating options meeting needs. Lancaster, MA.: Pro Active Publications.
Karasch, M. (2004). Free women of color in Central Brazil, 1779-1835. In D. B. Gaspar & D. C. Hine (Eds.), Beyond bondage: Free women of color in the Americas (pp. 237-270). Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Karasch, M. (2004). Guine, Mina, Angola, and Benguela: African and Crioulo nations in Central Brazil, 1780-1835. In J. C. Curto & P. E. Lovejoy (Eds.), Enslaving connections: Changing cultures of Africa and Brazil during the era of slavery (pp. 163-184). New York: Humanity Books.
WILLIAM KEANE (Education Leadership)
Stephens, E. R. & Keane, W. G. (2005). The educational service agency: American education’s invisible partner. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
DAVID KIDGER (Music, Theatre & Dance)
Kidger, D. (2005). Adrian Willaert: A guide to research. New York: Routledge.
Kidger, D. (Ed.). (2005). Orchester-Sinfonien mit zwölf obligaten Stimmen. In P. Wollny (Series Ed.), Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The complete works: Series 3, Part 3. Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute.
PAUL J. KUBICEK (Political Science)
Kubicek, P. J. (2004). Organized labor in post-communist states: From solidarity to infirmity. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
ABDI KUSOW (Sociology & Anthropology)
Kusow, A. (Ed.). (2004). Putting the cart before the horse: contested nationalism and the crisis of the nation-state in Somalia. Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press.
QINGCHONG LIU (Electrical & Systems Engineering)
Liu, Q. (2004). Applied probablility and statistics in engineering. Boston: Pearson Education.
BARBARA MABEE (Modern Languages & Literatures)
Still, J. (2004). Und dann kamen sie mich holen: Erinnerungen an die Welt der Anne Frank [And then they came for me : remembering the world of Anne Frank]. (B. Mabee & U. Kiausch, Trans.). Gießen/Bremen: Psychosozial-Verlag. (Original work published 1999)
MICHAEL G. MACDONALD (Teacher Development & Educational Studies)
MacDonald, M. G. (2005). Teachers’ knowledge of facts and myths about suicide. In L. S. Lyne (Ed.), A cross-section of educational research: Journal articles for discussion and evaluation (pp. 1-4). Los Angeles: Pyrczak.
GWENDOLYN MCMILLON (Reading & Language Arts)
McMillon, G.M.T. & Edwards, P.A. (2004). The African American Church: A beacon of light on the pathway to literacy for African American children. In E. Gregory, S. Long, D. Volk (Eds.), Many pathways to literacy: Young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers, and communities (pp. 182-194). London: Routledge Falmer.
McMillon, G.M.T. and McMillon, V.D. (2004). The empowering literacy practices of the African American Church. In F.B. Boyd, C.H. Brock, & M.S. Rozendal (Eds.), Multicultural and multilingual literacy and language: contexts & practices (pp. 280-303). New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.
LINDA MORRISON (Sociology & Anthropology)
Morrison, L. (2005). Talking back to psychiatry: The psychiatric
consumers/survivor/ex-patient movement. New York: Routledge.
ZISSIMOS P. MOURELATOS (Mechanical Engineering)
Cafeo, J. A., Donndelinger, J. A., Lust, R. V., & Mourelatos, Z. P. (2005). The need for nondeterministic approaches in automotive design: A business perspective. In E. Nikolaidis, D. M. Ghiocel, & S. Singhal (Eds.), Engineering design reliability handbook (pp.5.1-5.18) Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
DALE NESBARY (Political Science)
Nesbary, D., & Garcia, L. (2005). Internet tax policy: An international perspective. In G. D. Garson (Ed.), Handbook of public information systems (2nd ed., pp. 281-298). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis.
TERRI ORBUCH (Sociology & Anthropology)
Holmberg, D., Orbuch, T., & Veroff, J. (2004). Thrice told tales: Married couples tell their stories. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
LINDA M. PAVONETTI (Reading & Language Arts)
Pavonetti, L. M., & Cipielewski, J. F. (2004). Twentieth-century movers and shakers in American children's books: A survey of children's literature assembly members. In L. M. Pavonetti (Ed.), Children's literature remembered: Issues, trends, and favorite books (pp. 1-5). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Cipielewski, J. F. (2005). What tales do we tell of the twentieth-century?: Folktales and fairy tales prosper. In L. M. Pavonetti (Ed.), Children's literature remembered: Issues, trends, and favorite books (pp. 49- 64). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
THOMAS PEDRONI (Teacher Development & Educational Studies)
Pedroni, T. C. (2004). State theory and urban school reform II: A reconsideration from Milwaukee. In D. Gabbard (Ed.), Defending public schools: Education under the security state (pp. 131-140). New York: Greenwood.
JAMES QUINN (Human Resource Development)
Cseh, M., Quinn, J., Porter, A., & McEneaney, J. (2005). A collaborative university-public schools project: A consultant-client model to enhance classroom collaboration integration of technology. In S. Rhine & Bailey, M. (Eds.), Integrated technologies, innovative learning: Insights from the PT3 program (pp. 67-77). Portland, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
JO REGER (Sociology & Anthropology)
Reger, J. (Ed.). (2005). Different wavelengths: Studies in the contemporary women’s movement. New York: Routledge.
MARK RIGSTAD (Philosophy)
Rigstad, M. (2004). The grotian moment: Natural penal rights and republicanism. In P. Griffiths & S. Deveraux (Eds.), Penal practice and culture, 1500-1900: punishing the English (pp. 183-209). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Roth, B. 2004. Two-dimensional propagation in cardiac muscle. In D. P. Zipes & J. Jalife (Eds.), Cardiac electrophysiology: From cell to bedside (4th ed., pp. 267-272). Philadelphia: Saunders.
ANDREW RUSEK (Electrical & Systems Engineering)
Rusek, A. (2005). Reflectometers, time domain. In K. Chang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of RF and microwave engineering (Vol. 5, pp. 4436- 4450). New York: Wiley.
CYNTHIA J. SCHELLENBACH (Sociology & Anthropology)
Maton, K. I., Schellenbach, C. J., Leadbeater, B., & Solarz, A. L. (Eds.). (2004). Investing in children, youth, families and communities: Strength- based research and policy. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.
TANUSH SHASKA (Mathematics & Statistics)
Volklein, H., & Shaska, T. (Eds.). (2004). Progress in Galois theory: proceedings of John Thompson's 70th birthday conference. New York: Springer.
Shaska, T. (Ed.). (2005). Computational aspects of algebraic curves. Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific.
MEIR SHILLOR (Mathematics & Statistics)
Shillor, M., Sofonea, M., & Telega, J. J. (2004). Models and analysis of quasistatic contact. Berlin: Springer.
Sofonea, M., Han, W., & Shillor, M. (2005). Analysis and approximations of contact problems with adhesion or damage. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall.
JOSEPH SHIVELY (Music, Theatre & Dance)
Shively, J. (2004). In the face of tradition: Questioning the roles of conductors and ensemble members in school bands, choirs, and orchestras. In L. Bartel (Ed.), Questioning the music education paradigm (pp. 179-190). Toronto: Canadian Music Educators Association.
LORENZO M. SMITH (Mechanical Engineering)
Smith, L., & Cao, J. (2005). NUMISHEET 2005: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics.
MICHAEL SMITH (Linguistics)
Smith, M. (2004). Cataphoric pronouns as mental space designators: Their conceptual import and discourse function. In R. S. Kirsner, E. Contini-Morava, & B.Rodriguez-Bachiller (Eds.), Cognitive and communicative approaches to linguistic analysis (pp. 61-90). Amsterdam: John Benjamins
LYNNE WILLIAMS (Health Sciences)
Williams, J. L. (2004). Cellular homeostasis and hematopoiesis. In S. B. McKenzie (Ed.), Clinical laboratory hematology (pp. 8-39). Upsaddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Williams, J. L. (2004). Thrombophilia. In S. B. McKenzie (Ed.), Clinical laboratory hematology (pp. 760-782). Upsaddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Williams, J.L. (2004) (Ed.). Hemostasis. In S.B. McKenzie (Ed.), Clinical laboratory hematology (pp 653-804). Upsaddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
John McEneaney (School of Education and Human Services) as chair--2004-2006
Claude Baillargeon (Art and Art History)—2004-2006
Anna Spagnuolo (Mathematics and Statistics)—2004-2006
Ann Pogany (Library)—2004-2006
William Andress (School of Health Sciences)—2004-2006
Laureen Smith (School of Nursing)—2004-2006
Anne Switzer (Library) --2004-2006
Stacey Hahn (French)—2005-2007
Fuad Hasanov (Economics)—2005-2007
Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology)—2005-2007
Qian Zou (Engineering)—2005-2007
Linda Hildebrand (Library)—2005-2007
Robert Slater (Library)—2005-2007
Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
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