Kresge Library

History Comes Alive Series
Old Truths, New Truths and Untruths:
Revisiting the Origins of the Cold War

Professor Daniel J. Clark will present the lecture "Old Truths, New Truths and Untruths: Revisiting the Origins of the Cold War" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 15, 2005 in the Oakland Center Gold Rooms B & C. Professor Clark, a 20th century American labor history expert, teaches courses on American workers in the 20th century, the Cold War and oral history.

Books by Professor Clark at the Kresge Library:

  • Like Night and Day: Unionization in a Southern Mill Town. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1997.

Online Books and Articles related to this lecture*:

  • Critchlow, James (2004). Public diplomacy during the cold war: the record and its implications. Journal of Cold War Studies, 6(1), 75-89.
  • Frutiger, Dean (2002). AFL-CIO China policy: Labor's new step forward or the cold war revisited? Labor Studies Journal, 27(3), 67-80.
  • Garthoff, Raymond (2004). Foreign Intelligence and the Historiography of the Cold War. Journal of Cold War Studies, 6(2), 21-56.
  • Hopmann, Terrence (2003). Adapting international relations theory to the end of the cold war. Journal Of Cold War Studies, 5(3), 96-101.
  • Kusmer, Kenneth (2002). Hot war, cold war, and civil rights. Journal of Policy History, 14(4), 431-438.
  • Mastny, Vojtech (1996). The Cold War and Soviet insecurity: the Stalin years. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Osgood, Kenneth (2002). Hearts and minds: the unconventional cold war. Journal of Cold War Studies, 4(2), 85-107.
  • Pineo, Ronn (2003). Recent cold war studies. History Teacher, 37(1), 79-86.

Books related to this lecture's topic at the Kresge Library:

  • Borstelmann, Thomas (2001). The Cold War and the color line : American race relations in the global arena. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Brands, H W (1993). The devil we knew : Americans and the Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dudziak, Mary (2000). Cold War civil rights: race and the image of American democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Gaddis, John (1997). We now know: rethinking Cold War history. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Mastny, Vojtech (1996). The Cold War and Soviet insecurity: the Stalin years. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Yergin, Daniel (1977). Shattered peace: the origins of the cold war and the national security state. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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Created on 12/12/06 by 11/21/02 by Robert Slater / Last updated on 5/1/19 by Robert Slater
Oakland University

Oakland University, Kresge Library
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