Kresge Library

The School of Education and Human Services presents:


Upcoming lectures

Guest lecturer, Donaldo Macedo, will speak on "Daring to Dream: Toward a Pedagogy of the Unfinished":

APRIL 17 , 2008 @ 5 PM in the PAWLEY HALL ERL

Books available at Kresge Library, authored by Donaldo Macedo:


Chomsky, N. (2000). Chomsky on miseducation. (Ed.) D. Macedo. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Macedo, D, & Bartolome, L. (1999). Dancing with bigotry: Beyond the politics of tolerance. New York : St. Martin’s Press.

(2006). Literacies of power: What Americans are not allowed to know. Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press.



Past lectures

Guest lecturer, Pauline Lipman, will speak on "Urban Education and Urban Housing: Moralizing the Poor, Building the Neoliberal City, Displacing African Americans":

FEBRUARY 7, 2008 @ 5 PM in the PAWLEY HALL ERL

Books & Journal articles available at Kresge Library, authored by Pauline Lipman:


(2007). From accountability to privatization and African American exclusion: Chicago's "Renaissance 2010." Educational Policy, 21(3), 471-502.

(2002). Making the global city, making inequality: The political economy and cultural politics of Chicago school policy. American Educational Research Journal, (39)2, 379-420.

(1998). Race, class, and power in school restructuring. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Guest lecturer, L. Janelle Dance, will speak on "'Fear of the Dark': Mainstream Views of Ethnic Minority Students in Sweden and the United States":

MARCH 6, 2008 @ 5 PM in the PAWLEY HALL ERL

Journal articles available at Kresge Library, authored by L. Janelle Dance:


Muller, C., Katz, S. R. & Dance, L. J. (1999). Investing in teaching and learning: Dynamics of the teacher-student relationship from each actor's perspective. Urban Education, 34(3), 292-337.

(2001). Shadows, mentors, and surrogate fathers: Effective schooling as critical pedagogy for inner-city boys. Sociological Focus, 34(4), 399-415.

Dance, J. L., Kim, D. Y., & Bern, T. (2003). Street culture in Cambridge, Massachusetts?: The perceptions of "poor," "at-risk" teens near Harvard. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23(11), 47-79.

Created on 01/28/08 by Anne Switzer / Last updated on 5/1/19 by Anne Switzer
Oakland University

Oakland University, Kresge Library
2200 N Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309
(248) 370 - 4426