Kresge Library

African American History Month

Oakland University is celebrating African American History Month from January 15th to February 23rd.

To help celebrate, Kresge Library has compiled a selection of our resources concerning African American History.

Also, please join us for a panel discussion titled:

"African American Students on a White Campus: Where We've Been & Where We're Going." Click for details!

Online Books*:

Altman, S. (1997). The encyclopedia of African-American heritage. New York : Facts On File.

Andryszewski, T. (1996). The march on Washington, 1963: Gathering to be heard. Brookfield, Conn. : Millbrook Press.

Berlin, I. (1998). Many thousands gone: The first two centuries of slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Bloom, H. (1994). Major modern Black American writers. New York : Chelsea House Publishers.

Honey, M. K. (1999). Black workers remember an oral history of segregation, unionism, and the freedom struggle. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press.

Loevy, R. D. (1997). The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The passage of the law that ended racial segregation. Albany, NY : State University of New York Press.

Savage, B. L., & Shull, C. D. (1996). African American historic places. New York : Wiley.

Sugrue, T. J. (1996). The origins of the urban crisis race and inequality in postwar Detroit. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press.

Thomas, R. W. (1992). Life for us is what we make it : building Black community in Detroit, 1915-1945. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press.


Online Articles*:


Casmier-Paz, L. & Bond, J. (2003). Heritage, not hate? Collecting Black memorabilia. Southern Cultures, 9(1): 43-61.

Harris, V. J. (1990). African American children's literature: The first one hundred years. Journal of Negro Education, 59(4): 540-565.

MacDonald, J. F. (1978). Radio's Black heritage: Destination freedom, 1948-1950. Phylon, 39(1): 66-73.

Marks, C. (1985). Black workers and the great migration north. Phylon, 46(2): 148-161.

Morgan, M. J. (1994). Rock and roll unplugged: African-American music In eighteenth-century America. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 27(4): 649-662.

Ogunleye, T. (1997). African American folklore: Its role in reconstructing African American history. Journal of Black Studies, 27(4): 435-455.

Vaughn, S. (1997). Making Jesus Black: The historiographical debate on the roots of African-American Christianity. Journal of Negro History, 82(1): 25-41.

Warfield-Coppock, N. (1992). The rite of passage movement: A resurgence of African-centered practices for socializing African American youth. Journal of Negro Education, 61(4): 471-482.



Books at Kresge Library:


Bethel, E. R. (1997). The roots of African-American identity : Memory and history in free antebellum communities. New York : St. Martin’s Press.

Dodson, H. (2002). Jubilee : The emergence of African-American culture. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic.

Fitch, N. E. (Ed.). (2000). How sweet the sound : The spirit of African American history (2000). Fort Worth, TX : Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Horton, J. O. (2001). Hard road to freedom : The story of African America. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press.

Johnson, C. R. (1998). Africans in America : America’s journey through slavery. New York : Harcourt Brace, c1998.

Kelley, R. D., & Lewis, E. (Eds.). (2000). To make our world anew : A history of African Americans. New York : Oxford University Press.

Painter, N. I. (2006). Creating Black Americans : African-American history and its meanings, 1619 to the present. New York : Oxford University Press.

Spivey, D. (2003). Fire from the soul : A history of the African-American struggle. Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press.



*Access to some online materials is restricted to use by Oakland University students, faculty, and staff (all others must access these items from a computer located on the Oakland University network).

Created on 12/12/06 by 1/28/06 by Bill Cramer and Robert Slater / Last updated on 5/1/19 by Anne Switzer
Oakland University

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